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Stempia Computer Institute

about C#

Introduction to the C# Language and the .NET Framework
C# is an elegant and type-safe object-oriented language that enables developers to build a variety of secure and robust applications that run on the .NET Framework. You can use C# to create Windows client applications, XML Web services, distributed components, client-server applications, database applications, and much, much more. Visual C# provides an advanced code editor, convenient user interface designers, integrated debugger, and many other tools to make it easier to develop applications based on the C# language and the .NET Framework.

Visual C#
C# is a programming language that is designed for building a variety of applications that run on the .NET Framework. C# is simple, powerful, type-safe, and object-oriented. The many innovations in C# enable rapid application development while retaining the expressiveness and elegance of C-style languages. Visual C# is an implementation of the C# language by Microsoft. Visual Studio supports Visual C# with a full-featured code editor, compiler, project templates, designers, code wizards, a powerful and easy-to-use debugger, and other tools. The .NET Framework class library provides access to many operating system services and other useful, well-designed classes that speed up the development cycle significantly.

Make Application Program


Microsoft Certified C# programming (MCP)

Microsoft Specialist
