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Stempia Computer Institute



We make


We code


robot mesh.png

We enter


The Few, The Proud, We are Stempia Robotics Team

Why Your Child Should Take This Robotic Class?!

               STEM & 21st Century Skills Development

-        Problem-solving

-        Creativity

-        Collaborative teamwork

-        Adapting to new challenges

Our achievements

AWARDS of STEMPIA Robotics team

VEX IQ 2016-2017 Valley local competition

Elementary team - 1st place of STEM research presentation

Middle School team - Excellence award that is the highest award of VEX IQ competition

VEX IQ 2016-2017 State championship

Elementary team - Excellence award and The Best Teamwork award

Middle School team - Excellence award and The Best Teamwork award

VEX IQ 2016-2017 World championship

Elementary team was in semi finalist.

Middle School team was in finalist.

STEMPIA Robotics team 수상경력

VEX IQ 2016-2017 밸리지역대회

초등부분 과학 연구 발표부분 1위

중등부분 경기 1위 최우수상

VEX IQ 2016-2017 캘리포니아 주대회

초등부분 경기 1위 최우수상, 베스트 팀웤상

중등부분 경기 1위 최우수상, 베스트 팀웤상

VEX IQ 2016-2017 월드 챔피언쉽 대회

초등부분 출전

중등부분 세미 결승전 진출

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