Wordpress Webhosting
It does not matter how much money you save from an affordable website hosting it will never save how much money you will lose if your website collide due to less performing servers. It is consistently best when hosting company offers 99.95% up time guarantee. less performing servers can make a big problem to load your website very slowly. If your website load slowly then you will never get large number of visitors. In that case you will loose possible customer of your business just because you trying to save few money on hosting plan. It is not suitable for your business.
The VPS, on the other hand, provide the guaranteed resources. The service of VPS system will run both reliably and predictably. So, you should not feel worry about the bad VPS neighbor, since they will only bring bad impact to their own account. Each account will appear as the separated server on the internet. The neighbor VPS will not be able to grab your memory and even get your server blacklisted. So, it is a kind of independent server where an account's behavior will not affect others at all.
A VPS reside on the same server, but it's really a virtual server. That means no physical server exist. The VPS is partitioned using sophisticated server software. The VPS operates and work like a standalone server but in reality, it's still on a shared server. However, the software is able to isolate the server into different "compartments" so that one "compartment" won't affect the other.